It could happen #1- Anarchy

There are many nay-sayers. They fight for and believe strongly in the status quo. In this new feature we will discuss the feasibility of world ending calamities. Not as much how to survive but the scientific and historical evidence that should keep your eyes to the skies.

Could it really happen?

It is said that the world is just one empty plate away from total anarchy. Many of us can believe that many poorer, undeveloped countries would easily fall into anarchy. But that would never happen in the established countries like the UK or Japan or The united states.

I wouldn't be so sure.

I'm going to focus on the united states, both because that is where i live and I think few people would ever even consider that it could be torn apart in a revolution. But i suggest that it could and soon. (If you would like to submit a article about another country E-mail me at

Historical precedence

History books tend to gloss over the nasty details of a nations past, and the relatively young America is no exception. We all know about Lincoln and Washington and Roosevelt. But we skip past the lesser know presidents like Hoover. Sure you know the name, and if your good at history you might even know his unpopularity. But unless you are a history major it's a safe bet you have never heard of the bonus army.

Sure, the stock market fell and times were tough, but there was allot more going on than just that. The great depression was in full swing, 500 farmers marched onto government reserves and forced the red cross to give out food for their starving families. Criminals broke into houses and killed just to loot simple food for their families. Uncle Sam pumped money into big business hoping for a trickle down effect. The an estimated 43 000 (17 000 of them war veterans) people marched onto capital hill and demanded money from the government that they felt they deserved.

When congress denied them their payment they rioted. The President responded by authorizing Military force to rid the capitol, men baring swords on horses, armed soldiers and even small tanks. Shots were fired Innocent men died and the make shift dwellings were set on fire. This was the start of a revolution. One of the politicians involved in the conflict was driving out in his fathers limo thought to himself "This could very well be the beginning of another American revolution, this time the rich against the poor."

Luckily, Roosevelt was able to regain control of the country, but this could have changed the course of American history and it could happen again.

Today like yesterday

There are many close parallels between current events and what happened in the past.The Stock market has fallen The Government pumps 700 billion into big business hoping for a trickle down effect. The country is just as hungry for change today as in years past.

Lets say things get worse. The economy bottoms out, the executives at AIG continue to use taxpayer money for spa retreats as people starve to death. President Obama fails to deliver on his promises. The feelings of resentment that middle America and lower class America towards the ruling class are multiplied by hunger. The car manufacturing plants close down. Someone is going to make a move, and Those in power will put it down. Except today is different. Recording equipment is cheap and the Internet can spread news instantly. News will hit the east and west coast within minutes. Feelings of patriotism die and it becomes us and them. Even the more timid will feel justified in robbing the rich neighbor. And then it all falls apart. Something will need to take it's place but what? Who knows, it'll depend on what leaders arise, and if they are corrupt or peaceful, selfish or selfless. But for a period anarchy will be there, so prepare yourself.

Is it likely? maybe. Is it possible? definitely.

I hope you like this new feature. Should we continue it? Let me know.

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